Looking for a postdoc in ecology + remote sensing + genomics
UC Davis Postdoctoral Position Combining Ecology, Remote Sensing and Genomics to Understand Population Dynamics
The Maloof, Magney, and Gremer labs, and science educator Jamison-McClung at UC Davis are recruiting a postdoctoral scholar for research and training as part of a collaborative, interdisciplinary research project. This NSF-funded project seeks to integrate quantitative genetics, genomics, ecology, and remote sensing to understand and predict plant population persistence in the face of climate change. More details about the project can be found on NSF’s abstract page.
For this position, we are looking for a candidate particularly interested in integrating the remote sensing and genomics aspects of this work. This includes investigating how remote sensing data at the leaf and canopy scale can predict a suite of plant traits, determining the genetic basis for intraspecific spectral diversity, and integrating this work into demographic models.
The postdoctoral scholar will be engaged in rigorous, interdisciplinary work that integrates genetic, physiological, and environmental data to answer fundamental questions about population responses to climate shifts and consider the potential societal and policy impacts. Through workshops, coursework, peer-to-peer learning, and a mentoring network, the postdoctoral scholar will gain skills in computational, field, and remote sensing approaches.
Trainees will be engaged in rigorous, interdisciplinary work that integrates genetic, physiological, and environmental data to answer fundamental questions about population responses to climate shifts and consider the potential societal and policy impacts. Through workshops, coursework, peer-to-peer learning, and a mentoring network, students will gain skills in computational, field, and remote sensing approaches.
We will also focus on building broad professional skills useful for a variety of post-PhD career paths, including an introduction to science communication, science policy, project management and best practices for creating inclusive research environments. The team will host an annual Science Communication and Professionalism Workshop and trainees will develop science communication skills via social media and blogging for the project website. In years 2 and 3 of the funded project, our collaborative research and training community will include Sacramento State University graduate students participating in the Advancing Diversity by Educating Professors of Tomorrow (ADEPT) program.
The postdoctoral scholar will work with a diverse, interdisciplinary group of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. We are interested in applicants who have experience or can demonstrate potential in::
● Working broadly across disciplines with scientists at various stages of training and from diverse backgrounds .
● Analyzing, synthesizing, and communicating results from field work, remote sensing, and genetics/genomics to understand drivers of population dynamics and persistence.
● Mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, data science, and bioinformatics.
● Developing transferable professional skills necessary for long term success as a PhD scientist across public (e.g. academia and government) and private (e.g. industry and non-profits) sectors
● Communicating results through scientific publications, presentations, and outreach.
UC Davis is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, and we particularly encourage applications from members of historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, women, individuals’ with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ community members, and others who demonstrate the ability to help us achieve our vision of a diverse and inclusive community. For the complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative action policy see: http://policy.ucop.edu/doc/4000376/NondiscrimAffirmAct
This position is funded for ~ two years. Starting salary $64,000-$69,000 depending on years of postdoctoral experience.
Interested applicants should feel free to contact the PIs: Julin Maloof (jnmaloof@ucdavis.edu), Troy Magney (tmagney@ucdavis.edu), Jenny Gremer (jrgremer@ucdavis.edu), and Denneal Jamison-McClung (dsjamison@ucdavis.edu) for more information.
How to Apply
Send the following documents in PDF format to Julin Maloof (jnmaloof@ucdavis.edu):
● Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.
● Cover Letter - A cover letter describing past and future research and educational experiences as they relate to the job description above and the project abstract https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2129589
● Contact information for 3 references.